A group of international visitors came to visit Hoa Sua School of Economics and Tourism to participate in a series of activities focused on learning how to cook traditional Vietnamese dishes. From the moment they arrived at the school, the guests were warmly welcomed by the students and teachers.


The first activity was an introduction to Vietnamese culinary culture, where the guests listened to fascinating stories about the origins and meanings of various dishes. Afterwards, the visitors were divided into smaller groups to begin their cooking lessons. In an atmosphere of excitement and closeness, the students enthusiastically guided the guests through each step of preparing famous dishes such as pho, spring rolls, and banh xeo.


The guests not only learned the recipes but also actively participated in every stage, from chopping ingredients to seasoning and plating the dishes. The curiosity and eagerness were evident on everyone's faces as they created authentic Vietnamese cuisine with their own hands.


Once the cooking was completed, everyone enjoyed the fruits of their labor together in a warm and friendly meal. Laughter and compliments filled the air as the international guests expressed their delight and satisfaction with the dishes they had made themselves.


At the end of the session, the guests also took part in a cultural exchange where they and the students shared insights about each other's culinary traditions and customs. These moments not only strengthened the bonds of friendship between different cultures but also provided an excellent opportunity to promote Vietnamese culinary culture to international friends.